Being as I have always lived in Ohio, I’m a little awestruck at this winter or lack of winter to date. I once spent Christmas in Orlando and my God that was wonderful compared to what the weather reports I read for back home. Now this year up till now has been pretty good. But I grew up here and I when I talk to others that grew up here, we all know what this warm weather means: God is about ready to bring the hammer down like back in the late 70s.
That was the year that it was real warm, lots of rain, and then POW! The blizzard of 78 hit us with a vengeance. Snow blowin’ sideways, icicles hanging horizontal from traffic lights that weren’t working, electricity that didn’t electrify. Roads with snow banks on both sides that were as high as a mobile home.
Yep, thank you God for what we’re about to receive, and for remindin’ me what it means to be a Buckeye.
What does it costs to ride a train on a trip?