This new year has so much angst associated with it that I can’t help but feel sorry for US.
If you hadn’t heard, it’s a presidential election year. If you haven’t heard, then you’re probably not a real good reader, or you probably have your head hunched over one of those mobile devices and you’ll probably never ever be reading this. I’m just sayin’.
Anyway, with this being the year that it is, you’ll probably be insane by the beginning of May after the deluge of TV campaign ads that is about to rain down upon us. Don’t worry, by Labor Day you’ll wish for those good ol’ spring days.
Since we’re in the midst of a strange winter, you’re probably not thinking about planting stuff this spring. But this is the time when the idea of planning might take up just a little bit of your time and while you might be pondering that, you might also consider Ohio farmers. These gems stand out in the mud and slop like like a green emerald sitting on top of a frozen crest of snow.
A farmer by his very nature, has a good head on his shoulder. I’m not saying he has all the answers to the world, but he knows what works on his little block of it. That in itself is worthy of emulation whether you care not a whit about growing stuff or even where it comes from.
Sometimes it can be very beneficial if we all made a visit to a farm where this group of people are the ultimate optimists. Where else would someone get up before dawn, crawl up into a cold tractor and spend the next 14 hours slogging through the dirt in hopes that grain prices next fall will be enough to do it all again next spring?
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