Ohio is a state with a rich history that dates back long before there was an Ohio, long before there was the United States of America, long before European explorers laid claim to the lands, and long before the Native Americans that met those European explorers, there were people here for 1000s of years. For those people living here long before the Native Americans, we have no written history only the radio carbon dates that have been established proving that they did live and die here.
This Day in Ohio History is a series of essays about a particular day and events. Think of them as little slices in time. On some dates dialog has been added, not to say that these are the exact words of the subject, but are a reasonable expectation that the words written could have been said at that time. In other words, I have tried to interpret certain events and in that description, if a dialog helps explain that particular day, I have included it.
All events are derived from historical accounts of those events, often from multiple sources. Besides sourcing contemporary historical accounts, I have also conducted research based on much older historical accounts and descriptions which often include first-hand accounts. Newspapers of the days surrounding certain events have also been sourced that give precise information about certain details known on that particular day or the days surround that day.
This Day in Ohio History has not been publicly sourced for specific reasons. In today’s world, people can copy information from almost anywhere. My sources are documented in my notes. But those sources are the sources that I have found. Students of history looking for an easy essay will have to do a little more research on their own.
I hope you enjoy reading these essays and find out a little more detail about our history.
John Merrill